How to perk up your sales proposal (and not put people to sleep)

Posted on: May 27, 2024

Click on the image to see the infographic in full

Writing a sales proposal can be daunting, and yet it often plays a key part in winning new business and helping decision-makers choose you above and beyond other suppliers.

We’ve put together a handy infographic to help you craft a sales proposal that perks people up rather than send them to sleep!  If you’re tempted to produce a one size fits all proposal, do read its 8 tried and tested tips.


Also remember….

Keep things tailored

Avoid cutting and pasting information from a previous similar proposal at all costs.  The solution you are providing should be tailored to this specific client and not a template where a few words and numbers have been changed. A proposal written to describe your services to all audiences (irrespective of who they are) will have little impact.

Key to this is keeping your target audience at the heart of the proposal. Echo their tone of voice and clearly put across solutions that focus them and their needs.


Make it clear why you are different

Make sure you outline how you can help the client solve their problem or convert their opportunity and why you are the best choice in doing so. Think about what makes you different to others, the advantages the client will gain by using you and make that all clear in your document.


Help all the decision-makers to give you a yes

Remember, your key contact at the client may already be convinced that you are the best option for their business, but they may need to convince others internally.  Don’t assume they will sell on your behalf and make sure your proposal makes it easy for them to get approval or go ahead to choose you.


Don’t bury your price

Sell the benefits clearly and make the proposal easy to read especially being clear on pricing. Don’t be tempted to hide this at the back! It will normally be the one thing people want to see up front.

For a handy aide memoire to help your business proposals in future see our infographic.

Infographic: How to perk people up with your sales proposal, not put them to sleep!

Can we help?

If you need help with a sales proposal or pitch for new business, do get in touch. We have a track record in helping our clients achieve successful outcomes and would be happy to help.

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